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From the pupils


The pupils have written for our blog this week to tell us some of the things that they have been doing at our School.


These past months we have been doing lots of different things, for example we went to the coastguard station and learned about the great things they do to save people’s lives. We have been doing lots of other things such as making science fiction books, going to the fire station, visiting care homes, going to the planetarium and going ice skating! One of the things the school really enjoy is going on our annual visit to Scaladale! We go once a year and stay for a night, we also have a midnight feast!

Sometimes people come to visit the school, such as an archaeologist, the voice of international and people from the volunteer centre.

We enjoy these special visits and are grateful for the support people give to us and are very thankful for the helpers who willingly come in their own time to help our school.

We also enjoy music where we learn the ukulele with Mrs Mackenzie. We also learn songs for our winter cafés and plays which we hope to raise money for the school.

Sometimes we go out with littler picks and help the community by picking up litter.

Annie M

This school year we have been working on some interesting things, for instance a couple months back we all dressed up as a person in the career we wanted to do when we grew up. It was very exciting because it gave everyone ideas about our future.

Lately, we have been writing and illustrating a book about science fiction. It took around a week but the results were great! Last term we visited the coastguard station. It was interesting to find out about the job that they were willingly doing.

Not far back we visited the fire station. It was amazing! We even tried out a hose and had a go in a fire truck. It gave me an idea of what it takes to be a fire fighter and the extreme help they do every day and it made me a whole lot more thankful that we have people willing to risk their lives just to save us.

We went to Bethesda to sing to the elderly. It was lovely to get to spend time with another generation. Soon we are having World Book Day where we dress up as a character from a book it is really fun!

Recently we took care of hard boiled eggs for 2 days. We drew faces on them and made cots, then imagined they were babies. It was quite fun and it helped us all gain responsibility and at the end we all definitely understood how much work it takes to be a parent. We also visited to the planetarium. It was exciting and it was cool to see what it’s like outside of earth.

We play the ukulele as our instrument, it’s fun and not too hard. We also have a great teacher called Mrs Mackenzie who helps us a lot. Soon I will be leaving school to go to the Nicholson. It is quite a big change but I’m sure it will be ok!


Hello my name is Elliot Henderson and I’m going to tell you what we have done. We have done really fun things like making an egg our baby for a day or building a mars expedition. Recently we made a science fiction book. It was really fun! Also we do swimming lessons on Fridays. We also do things like maths programs on the iPads that we all love going on but we also do lots of normal work to. We did a winter cafe a few months ago to raise money to go to Scaladale and everyone adores it! Scaladale is the most brilliant thing in school. And is the best thing in the whole year! We do things like kayaking and ice skating and dinghy sailing. And to top it all off we normally bring a movie and a missive midnight feast and then we go to sleep for normally one night at Scaladale and wait for more playing the next day.

We also have lots of people coming to tell us about things like when a man from Mexico came to tell us a bit about Mexico and gave us a donation and when police men came in to tell us about his job and how to stay safe. And when we went to the coastguard station and we learnt all about their job and what they do. We also play games with everyone at break and lunch and its really good. Also we make stories often and then show the younger class. We also do plays at the winter cafe that anyone who comes can enjoy. Also recently we went to the planetarium that was absolutely amazing! It was 3D and it was like you were in it and they showed us lots of constellations and what the moon and other planets might be like in the future and what they were like in the past.


At school we made cots and used eggs for babies and with pen drawn faces. For two days we had to take care of them or find a babysitter for break. We had a wonderful time when the archaeologist came and showed some artefacts like old lava and pottery.

For the last two plays we did ‘Celebrating Creation’ and the Pied Piper.

We also went to the planetarium and in it there were projections of the moon landing and the constellations. There was talk about Mars and the moon.

We also had volunteers come in and gave us litter picks, so we went out and picked up litter around the school! We found a massive cardboard box, plastic bottles and other litter!


We were all given a hardboiled egg and were asked to make a bed or cot for it. We were told to make an egg cot. Mine was made from an ice cream tub. It was fun. I made a daycare for the eggs and the daycare was exciting!

I wrote a sci-fi story about Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong who meet aliens on the moon! I made it into a book and read it to other children.

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