Providence Christian School is in the process of applying to extend the School to a Junior Secondary. We have a Secondary teacher from the Netherlands who is coming over in July for a year to help get this project started. This project has long been a desire of the Board and the provision of a Teacher has been an answer to prayer.
As such there are 2 areas we need assistance in:
Accommodation - we need to find a rental property for a family of 6. We are looking for either a spacious 3 bedroom or a 4 bedroom property to rent for a year, preferably not too far from the town area. We are looking at the estate agents but if you know of any possibilities, please get in touch.
Christian secondary teachers - who would be willing to advise us as we try to get this project off the ground. If you know of anyone who may be willing to help, please either pass on this request to them or contact us with your suggestions.
We are thankful to the Lord for keeping us as a school over these 20 years and look to Him to provide in the years to come.